Pine Tree Quilt Show
What a treat to visit the quilts at the Pine Tree Quilt Guild’s Quilt Show at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. Each artist creates a vision with fabric and shapes and color. From geometric tiling to freeform landscapes, each art quilt invites close observation of details. Next year, make sure to visit to see these wonders for yourself. Each one is an expression of the artist’s voice. Even while a quilt seems to be a math and fabric, these quilts show how art can be created with a lot of creativity and care.
My mom is a quilter, so I see how much work goes into these artworks.
One of our favorite quilts shared three quilts in one. From one angle, you saw the father’s portrait. From the front, you saw the baby. And from the other side, you saw the mom’s portrait. It was done with careful folds of fabric that would highlight a different image from each angle.

The show also featured a swap meet, vendors, a raffle, snacks, and more. It’s a lovely place to explore. And the dogwoods at the fairgrounds were blooming. Even more treats :)
This quilt featured an amazing optical illusion of curving lines that were all stacked rectangles.

This quilt was called the Opportunity Quilt at it will be raffled at a later date. Each artist created a square with a quarter-circle which were then assembled into the collaborative quilt. Amazing to see how unique versions of a similar design come together to create an even more beautiful whole. Watch for when this is available in a raffle because someone super-lucky will win this art quilt.
I couldn’t decide on a favorite quit. I loved the octopus.

And the color wheel. The color wheel even featured a little hidden reference to Goodnight Moon in the triangles. I love that!
Can you see the little mouse? How many times did we search for that mouse when reading that book? *many, many times :)
Each of these artists is amazing. The Best of Show quilt used over 3300 pieces of fabric. Whoa.
We found something to marvel at with every quilt in the show.

Bravo to all of the artists!
Art credit goes to each of the quilters. Thank you for sharing your art and craft with us.
Click here to visit our Quilt Show Gallery
Keep creating :)