Permission to Wander
I gave myself permission to wander on a day that rain tumbled from the sky on blooming roses in our backyard. When photography grew into Photography Clients, I find myself prioritizing edits above personal work. I love client work, but success means that it never really ends. Editing is never done-done, and I can spiral into hours away from the world while I disappear into work. Yet, when I take a few minutes to myself, and create images for the pure inspiration of creating them, I reconnect with the spark that first started me on this Photography Quest.
On this day, I took the camera outside during a break in the storm. Panther the cat, and Chewie the “ever noble” dog followed me around as I noticed raindrops on roses and blooms. The cat, and the dog, munched on grass. They enjoyed wandering too.
So, if you’re looking for permission to wander, I give it to you today. Permission to go beyond the To Do List and expectations. Permission to explore, even in familiar places (maybe especially in familiar places). Permission to do something, not for what you might gain, or for followers, or reaching goals, but because you might enjoy the wandering. There’s peace and inspiration in wandering. There’s value in wandering :)

I am a huge fan of permission to wander :)