Everyone is Welcome Here
Welcome to Lenkaland
Hello! Welcome to my adventures as a disabled artist and author with chronic illness. Being someone with many interests, I love sharing what I learn. I explore a variety of topics, including photography, hereditary neuropathy aka Charcot Marie Tooth (not about teeth), breast cancer recovery, crafting, and writing fiction.
Since I experience fatigue, I cannot hold a “regular” job. I madly create when I have the energy. I document my journey with chronic pain and rare diseases in the American Healthcare System. Connecting with my community is important to me - photographers and writers, cancer, and CMT survivors, crafters, and curious questioners. Let’s explore Lenkaland and find stories that resonate with you.
Imagine this as a map of Lenkaland. Where would you like to explore? Choose your own adventure. Or click here for the complete blog. I’m glad to see you!
Disability, CMT Neuropathy, and Cancer
I thought one rare disease was enough. The universe thought otherwise. Click here to find the journey
AI Imagination and Art
Click here for my visual stories, using AI
Forest Fairy Crafts
My friend and I created and wrote the best-selling Forest Fairy Crafts books. These charming little fairies and felt critters inspire all ages