Our Life, Our Stories

When I step away from here, it gets so difficult to return. Our story grows. I get overwhelmed and I want clarity before I summarize and share for all of you. Which is a trap, of course. Because more happens. So...here are random moments to catch up with our story.

Tonight we have my niece over for an overnight stay. My brother and his wife have to be out of town for work and we are happy to have her visit. I love our family. Something about our stories all growing together... it's magical.20130311-215912.jpgThe big game these days is Monster High dolls. Ian tries to find a way to get involved. He usually plays a guard fighting bad guys across the room. Or visitors from Lego-Town. Anika made movies last week. Long, rambling, dramatic movies :). Over the weekend, she said, "You know, Mom, I need a house. And, you know what, Mom? We have a house! Can I use the dollhouse?"

This dollhouse was given to me when I was her age. As a kit. It sat in the box for years and years. I stored it at my parents' house and my own houses once I moved away. Then, in the weeks before Anika was born, my husband went on a business trip. I kept myself entertained by building the dollhouse. I didn't even know she would be a girl at that time. It didn't matter. The building was fun.

The wood is, unfortunately, brittle. So the decking has cracked. The roof needs gluing.

We don't care. The house is perfect. It's a dorm for the dolls. The gargoyle guards from the chimney. We have plans for scrapbook wallpaper and new furniture. The old house is valued again. Wonderful.

I was busy with a new project (reveal soon!). Here's a hint.

I had an idea for a preorder gift for my Fairy Craft friends. I want to make bonus hat patterns that I can email. We couldn't fit everything in the book. And it would be fun to share extras! So I need to choose five hats and create the document and spread the word...

Oh, Anika had a great fun idea. Is she getting my love of ideas? Seems so! Anyway, her idea was a Forest Fairy Fan Club. Kids inspiring kids :). She would have a newsletter, monthly patterns, and more. Sounds awesome.

If only I didn't need to include the next random story. I've been feeling down. In a slump. Physically and emotionally drained. I had another rough week in Physical Therapy where efforts to help me went awry. Stretching my calf muscles ended up straining the muscles. They are still tender to touch. Last week they were a disaster. And they seemed to draw my energy and moods right along with them. Back into the zone of frustration and exhaustion and darkness.

I have new medicine that could help the fatigue. But I got anxious about side-effects and dependance. So I backed way off...

I feel like I should be able to manage this path with good choices. With balance. And yet I keep finding myself in the swamp. Mired and tired.

Oh well.

I have been taking photographs.20130311-223832.jpgWe dressed up as One Fish, Two Fish, Blue Fish for Dr. Seuss day at my school. 20130311-224332.jpgI have parent-teacher conferences the rest of the week. I go in the afternoons to talk to families. I love sharing this time building stories for the future. And yet it's tiring. Then again, isn't everything?

Oh, and the time change. Messing with us. It's late already.

A few little random stories to help catch up :)

Each day is a long effort. And yet the days slip so quickly into the past, becoming our stories. I keep writing. I keep living. This beautiful story.

Wishing you lovely storytelling today :)

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.


Anika Time Travels


Keep Climbing