Zombies and Lone Survivor
What’s an epic way to spend an outdoor afternoon?
A zombie photoshoot of course!
Anika and Jessica did hair and makeup for their zombie alter-egos. Ian became the Lone Survivor. We got to explore local old cemeteries and an abandoned building (safely of course). Ian was the Lone Survivor defending himself. Did he eventually escape?
The adventures continue!
Never fear, Anika’s face “wound” is her makeup effect. Whoa!

“My Beloved sleepeth,
I would not wake him.”
Which sounds chosen for zombies….
I added effects with PicMonkey* to make them especially zombie. They have a zombie theme photo editor which let me dull their skin tone with added bruising. I created an extra wound on Jessica’s face. And an effect I loved was adding veining to show dark blood vessels. Then a filter with a little toxic coloring and wha-la, two gnarly zombies.
For fun, and to keep Ian interested, we made a film with all first takes (no reshooting a scene) It turned out pretty fantastic considering we didn’t have an idea for a story. We thought, let’s show the zombies chasing him. Here and here and here. Now how do we end it?
Long live the zombies :)
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