Welcome to the Family, Panther
We knew the minute we met him at AnimalSave, that Panther was part of our family. He’s a sweet boy about three years old. His original owner developed allergies, which brought him to the rescue organization. He was shy at first, hiding a lot, but he soon gained confidence. He has the most striking blue eyes. And he has a habit of giving hugs by leaning into one shoulder, and it always has to be the left shoulder. He’ll move if held up to the right shoulder. Every cat has their personality quirks. Needless to day, we’re enamored with him :)

Welcome to the family, Panther. Which wasn’t his original name but it fits him perfectly. I hear that black cats may have a tougher time finding homes, which is baffles me. Black cats own my heart :) We’re happy to have you join the family, Panther.