Oh my. I am a stranger to my own blog these days. Honestly, I've been crashing. Flaring up. Surviving big time. I don't really know why. April arrived with a spike in pain and fatigue and I've struggled to get into the sunshine for weeks. I think I'm on my way.

I feel a little better. Which feels a lot better.

I have been busy. This year is like other years, full of change and opportunity. I have been working on book release celebrations and appearances. I want to give our forest friends extra hat patterns, which is photography and tutorials. I have so many ideas! And not enough hours in the day to make them all happen.

At work, my lovely co-teacher is having a baby in September. Hurrah! All beginnings bring change, so I am going to work with a new co-teacher (luckily, Ian's current teacher is stepping into the position another hurrah!). Change means work, though. Time discussing and meeting and planning.  Good stuff. But good stuff gobbles energy for breakfast. Then asks for second breakfast :)

I try hard to build this into our days:

Slow time together. It's not easy. Mania lets me escape how I feel physically. I like the rush of go, go, go... Because slowing down lets the pain in my ankle and hips catch up. Ouch.

My ankle is healing well. The range of motion is still off-kilter, though, giving me a very slight toe-walk on one side. Which causes the hips to get angry. I have physical therapy twice a week and I visit a specialist next week. The ongoing quest ...

I'd rather spend my time with Batman.

In the Mud Kitchen...

Sunshine has found most of our days. I made gnomes to demonstrate class ideas online. I posted those classes on the Fairy Craft site.

I make wishes. Every day. They are simple wishes and many are coming true. I want to spend more time with my family, I want to slow down, I want to feel better...

Another big wish came true- my husband got a local job! It's starting small. He is thrilled to lose his commute and be home on weekends. We just might be getting back on track. Which is a huge relief. That stress was a massive dark cloud.

Tiger had a one year anniversary with us. He watches birds through the window. He wishes we would take the bell off of his collar :)

The dogwood tree next door and the apple tree in our yard bloomed with every inch of their open-wide branches. I loved turning towards home and seeing all of those petals soaking up sunshine.

I am cautiously optimistic. The next few weeks amp up with Anika's birthday and a big school event (Open House). I am pulling out of this flare up by turning my expectations way, way down for myself. I need downtime like spring flowers need water and sunshine.

I will write more later. Hopefully soon. For now, though, I enjoy the random :)

Wishing you a peaceful day!

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.


Happy 10 Birthday Anika


The ARC Arrives!