Photo Story :: Avatar Fire Nation

We love creating images that inspire us and evoke a story. We were invited to the first Portrait Slam at the Saint Joseph’s Cultural Center in Grass Valley. Yay for adventure! What became a favorite image of the day?

Fire Nation Avatar Cosplay with Anika Vodicka and Lenkaland Photography

How did we make the magic happen?

We got to choose our outfit at SunChild’s Parlour in Grass Valley the day before the Portrait Slam. We were completely open to the possibilities. The theme for the day was Vintage. This outfit called our names with the art deco vintage vibe, while also reminding us of a certain favorite show. Yes, Avatar: the Last Airbender. The kind folk at Sunchild’s also inspired us with the idea for half-buns hairstyle. We rolled Anika’s hair into curlers the night before for all that wave and extra curl. Then we wrapped wired ribbons from her Miraculous Ladybug cosplay around the buns for extra color.

We explored around the Saint Joseph’s Cultural Center, which is an old chapel and buildings. Saint Joseph’s has so much character! We found our way around the back of the chapel, where we discovered this beautiful orange window. Since this side of the chapel was mostly in shadow, the window stood out.

Anika Vodicka and Lenkaland Photography

Then, as we turned to leave, the rising sun hit the window just right, whoa! I knew we had to try this new angle with the window burnished gold behind her.

And, inspiration, I love how Avatar plays with elements. Bending tends to whoosh air around characters, as though drawing energy from one form into another transforms the air itself. How could we show the power of fire bending?

I had an inspiration for showing motion. We didn’t know if it would work, but what if she tossed her hair off her shoulders? I focused on her and set the camera to burst mode, high speed continuous. We gave it a few tries and hoped for the best.

Behind the Shot :: Avatar Cosplay with Anika Vodicka and Lenkaland Photography

Of course it helps when Anika can keep her expression relaxed while tossing her hair off of her shoulders :). And finding her perfect pose!

I found our favorite capture with her hair seemingly flying up around her. I added the fire with Picmonkey flame overlays. You can try out most of the features of Picmonkey, and probably see the potential for creative photography effects, for free. You unlock everything with a subscription.

We didn’t use any actual fire or smoke to create our effects. Safety first, especially with historical places. We fell in love with the Fire Nation and actually bought the outfit so we can create more to the story. Where should our fiery character go next?

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Discover your Inspiration:
Portrait Slam
Sunchild’s Parlour in Grass Valley
Saint Joseph’s Cultural Center

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.

Newborn Twins


Senior Portraits at Crystal Hermitage