Bishops Pumpkin Patch 2012

Tis the season for sunshine and pumpkins! Perhaps the sunshine was a little more than expected, but these cousins were ready for a day of fun!

We went with my mom to the pumpkin farm about an hour away from our house. The drive was a little long, but the children no longer cared when they saw these epic fields of pumpkins!

Unfortunately, after riding on a hay-covered trailer behind a tractor down bumpy, dusty lanes, the children were hot. Let's-go-back-now-I-don't-care-about-pumpkins! hot.

The pumpkins in the shade were much finer. They have these great little set-ups that amuse the kids for hours. "You like the pumpkins on my truck? Well, I am driving so you better choose quickly."

Water was beautiful! The day was more like summer than autumn...

But we embraced the day with challenges and all, because that is how we roll. Or jump! This is a trampoline covered with straw. Anika jumped for ages and played tag with her cousin, running across and kicking up straw-dust. She found straw in her hair when we got home.

Ian, on the other hand, ran across once. Then announced he was done. He watched the girls.

The light, though, the light was autumn-splendor, all slanted low in the sky and lovely. I played with Manual Mode again. Caught this sweet smile :)

Here's a treat- I'm in a photo! My mom noticed that we all line up almost perfectly, one head taller than the other. Mila has to stretch a little, but it still works out sweetly. Great photography, Mom!

My strategy for the day was to wear the walking boot and use crutches. The ground was uneven with a lot of dirt paths. It worked okay, except for the fatigue. I was also a not-good rester and often jumped up to take a photo or ask about their game. There were too many great opportunities to play with them!

We did take a little train ride into a spooky pumpkin tunnel.

And the children found jail. This was a big memory of Ian's from last year- we need to go in jail, we need to find the jail! They managed to hold their smiles still for about a second. I love how they evenly spaced themselves. Good posing, kids :)

As the sun sank, we found a big red tractor with carts of pumpkins.

Ian was a serious driver.

At the end of the day, he did choose a pumpkin from a nice, shady bin. A little pumpkin, because I'm little, Mommy.

A perfect pumpkin to end a perfectly lovely day.

And I got to sleep this morning- no school! And the kids haved figured out how to take care of themselves until I wake up. What a difference. Sleep is magical.

Thank you, Mom, for taking us on this adventure! So much fun!

The entire Pumpkin Patch Gallery is here if you love autumn children :). Wishing you soft sunshine and perfect pumpkins!

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.

Apple Picking with Cousins


Ian at the Park