Why is it that when I hurt, I get angry? Snarling at the world, dark skies angry. I think because it triggers all that fear about future limitations, as well as triggering all the frustration with my current limitations. I bang at the walls that seem to be closing in on me. I can't type much tonight. I have to rest my hand. It is really really tough for me to rest my hands. I do not like being still on a regular day, but today I was going to prep angels to sew with Firefly (forget that plan). I hope to make Christmas Fairies with my Dragonfly class later in the week. I have ornaments to make. Craft kits to assemble. I do not have room for pain.
Pain makes it's own room. Settle in for awhile. Last time this lasted a day or two. I was good about the resting. This time hurts more. It keeps tweaking at me. Notice, notice, notice.
I notice.
I'm angry.
Deep breaths.
We had a great Saint Mikulas celebration tonight. He knocked on the windows and left treats for the kids. A candle for me.
Off to rest these hands.