The Ordinary Day Challenge
I thought, "I don't need the big camera. We're not going anywhere fancy. Or picturesque." Still, photos could be a good challenge. Look for the moments within moments. Ordinary moments turned extraordinary.
I adore the reflections. And I couldn't have planned all the yellow and green- that's synchronicity at work.
Anika's current favorite thing is this stuffy backpack. I need to ask if it has a name.
Ian wears pajama pants anywhere. They're comfortable. And he says that he's going to bed at some point, so why not be prepared?
He was very invested in the a Jelly Belly Tangerine drink. It is delightfully orange.
The girls got Apple Camp lanyards so Ian needed a lanyard too. Apple Camp is free at the Apple Store. The camp teaches kids how to make music and use iMovie to create a short film. Ian's not quite old enough. We found him a Batman lanyard to feel better.
Good light, good fun, and good memories. Ordinary day no more :)