The CMT Alphabet Challenge: A


Welcome to CMT Awareness Month! What is CMT? A degenerative nerve disorder that does not have a treatment or cure. Every year, I share stories about my experiences with CMT to help raise awareness. CMT is one of the largest diseases that most people have never heard exists. It affects approximately 1 in 2,500 people. CMT causes nerves to lose their conductivity, leading to muscle weakness, joint instability, and about a hundred other challenges. I love that CMT is getting more attention over the years. The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association and Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation have much more comprehensive descriptions than I can share on a school-night before the first day of school!

This year, Donna on Beating Limitations shared an idea with me on Twitter. She is writing her way through the alphabet this month. What a fun/overwhelming concept! The CMT Alphabet :)

And of course, once I wondered if I could do it, I had to try. And drafting different ideas for different letters is inspiring me :)

We begin at the beginning.

Accept CMT

A is for Accept.

Accepting means kindness. It does not mean "giving up". It means understanding that CMT is a mistake in genetic coding. CMT is not caused by wearing "cheap shoes as a child" (as I was once asked).

CMT is a lifelong journey that is different for everyone. Some people manage their symptoms with relatively few adaptations (another A word!) while others need a lot of intervention in the way of surgery and bracing.

Accepting means learning about CMT challenges. So I can treat them with wise and thoughtful decisions.

Honestly, I have not been Accepting these days. I have been in wild defiance. Roaring into the wind.

Which asks for trouble. Accepting knows that Defiance can only last for so long before I get injured. Or find new trouble. Or illness.

Accepting is necessary.

Because everything can fall into place if I accept the path that CMT creates. I can get appropriate help. I can educate myself (and others). I can be authentic and healthy and strong.

I also need to accept that I'm a mom and teacher with a big day tomorrow. I cannot write an essay even though I love writing. Accepting is hard :)

My second challenge is to share a photo-a-day. Because life is an adventure :)

1|31 for CMT Awareness

Accept. Adapt. Adventure.

Sounds awesome :)

B is for Brave

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.

The CMT Alphabet: B


Chronic Illness and Depression