Stay at Home Part 7 and Easter
Four weeks. And the first holiday. Which gave us new challenges. Both to organize without going to stores and to reframe the day with modified traditions. The positive take-away for me was that we managed a lovely celebration thanks to friends and family bringing treats and food to the house. We managed to dye eggs.
I couldn’t go to the store, but my brother brought food dye which we added to warm water and vinegar in the hopes of working. And it worked!
On the same day, the teens decided to dye their hair. Dye party indeed.

Anika needed to bleach the strands she was dying blue which gave me a fun chance for portraits before adding blue streaks.
Jessica caught a frog that puffed with such loud RIBBITS before we released him near a more natural water source. We were super impressed with her frog-catching skills!
Ian insisted on creating the zombie egg, which is a tradition where we need to make one egg as gnarly as possible. Usually, it’s one we drop by accident and then keep adding to dyes for ages. This year he broke the shell on purpose before adding it to dyes, which was a twist. The egg, by the way, does not get eaten.
Chewie certainly loved the idea of an egg of his own. We gave him parts of the zombie egg that escaped the massive dye job.
For Easter, we found a scone mix that I had been saving for a special occasion. We set the table with fancy Czech crystal glasses from our sparkling apple cider delivered by Grandma. We usually go to brunch at my parents where we have eggs frittatas in ramekins where we add our favorite fixins. We didn’t have little baking dishes like my mom, but we managed to modify it for a muffin tin. And we managed to create quite a feast.
In the afternoon we hid eggs (again delivered by my mom earlier in the week) which had coins and chocolate inside them. In the evening, we playing Bingo over Zoom with family. The neighbors gave us ham and potatoes for Easter dinner.
The entire day was a collaboration with a lot of inventive solutions. But it was also tough. Because of the contrast with how the holiday should be. And, yes, we are grateful for health and gifts and sweets. And we’re also allowed to feel sad and frustrated and deeply aware of the changes.
We did take the time to go into the collection of ballgowns and cloaks for a group photo :)
We carry on. And the world is off-axis, but it’s still our world. And we claim each day with creativity and courage. Even while frustrated. Even while worried. Even wishing we could just be back to the world of two months ago. Even then. Maybe especially then.
I’ll write another post to share the happenings through the past week. Honestly, we’re dragging a bit the last few days. Ian’s temper is more tempestuous. Which puts everyone on edge. But we all take our deep breaths. And plan for another day and another day. One day at a time. Together. While apart. Still together :)

Wishing you and your family good health and abundant happiness ✨