Sledding Away 2016
My family visits from Southern California to celebrate the new year. I know snow is rare in their world, so I thought we'd drive up to the sled hill of our family's childhood. I didn't expect much snow. We brought gloves but forgot snow pants. After all, one or two runs would be lucky. This was before the big storms that brought feet and feet of snow, which is probably good since we were only mildly prepared for a day on the slopes.
The boys enjoyed wearing hats knit by their Grandma. Nothing like hand-knit hats for keeping warm!

Of course we stayed way longer than we had expected, because sledding is thrilling, even on icy snow. Even when we get soaked. Maybe especially when we get soaked. Because the adventure was a little unexpected, which makes it even more exciting.
Take the trip. Bring the camera. :)
Now, if only I could find a few of those photos from when we were kids at this same location. The kids would love that!