Little Post
Cough. Cough. Headache. Napped with Ian about 3 in the afternoon and woke up with a little relief. At least bright lights didn't hurt :) The sense of tired is settling in, though. Naps don't solve it. Morning doesn't solve it. The sleepiness is like the overcast skies, everywhere at once. No end in sight.
Sunshine soon?
Hoping for a great night sleep. Tomorrow the school week begins. Report cards, contracts, and animals homes, hurrah!
Oh, sweet thing. Anika says, You know Ian is like my best friend now? He is my best friend. Now I have a playdate everyday because I have Ian. I love my little brother. He is my very best friend.
Awesome big sister!
And Ian says owl, owl, for help. We thought he was saying Ow all of the time, but it was help. Poor little guy. So much of language is being understood . . . :)