The Doldrums

In the olden days, ships dreaded the doldrums. The wind faded and sails went slack. Currents stopped pulling underwater. The ship slowed, and slowed, and stopped. No one knew when the winds would return. The doldrums were at once terribly boring and frightening. After all, what if the winds never returned?

January and February have felt like the doldrums in Thor’s Place. Our writing group has few ideas and low motivation. We know it’s a cycle, and creativity needs time to rest and reflect. At the same time, shouldn’t we be able to set a word-goal and meet it on the daily? Does writing need discipline more than inspiration?

We have good discussions around that central question. And the answer is a mix. And different for each person. And, these days, social media is also in the mix. Creating content means staying relevant and maybe finding a new reader or editor or similar dreamer. Friends are out there, which makes social engagement a rewarding part of the overall writing world these days.

So how do you approach the doldrums?

In our group, we talked about writing in other ways, social media captions, blog posts, etc. And editing. And comfort tasks like feeding Pinterest or interacting with our communities. While holding space, still show up, because, the muse, or inspiration, or the winds that finally rise to push us out of the doldrums tend to find us when we show up when we commit to the work.

A few ideas that we had for holding space while working through the doldrums were to:

  1. Embrace variety: If you're feeling stuck with your current writing project, break free from the rut by trying out a different medium or tool. Consider the tactile experience of writing by hand, the nostalgic charm of using a typewriter, or the convenience of dictating your ideas into a voice recorder. Finding your way out of the Doldrums is often possible by simply changing your approach.

  2. Set Small Goals: Break your writing tasks into smaller, manageable goals. Instead of focusing on completing an entire chapter or article, aim to write for a specific amount of time or to reach a certain word count each day. Celebrate each small achievement to stay motivated. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” - Robert Collier

  3. Explore New Inspiration: Seek sources of inspiration beyond your usual routine. Read books or articles outside of your usual genre, watch documentaries, attend writing workshops or conferences. Visit the library, watch interesting videos, explore nature. Fresh perspectives may bring fresh energy to your writing as well.

  4. Take Breaks and Use Self-Care: It’s essential to listen. Even when determined to force a way out of the Doldrums. If you’re feeling burnt out, a break, even though it sounds counter-productive, may help with better writing afterwards. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Hydrate. Often. Remember that taking care of yourself is a project too, and starting there with kindness and compassion may be enough to comfort yourself a way out of the Doldrums.

  5. Join a Writing Group or Community: Connecting with fellow writers can provide invaluable support and encouragement during writing doldrums. Join a writing group, either in person or online, where you can connect with similar creatives. You may befriend groups on TikTok, or join a Facebook group. The sense of camaraderie and excitement to hear their stories can help reignite your motivation and enthusiasm for writing.

Remember, every writer experiences lulls. Be kind to yourself, and know that these doldrums are temporary. Keep experimenting with different strategies until you find what works best for you, and trust that your creativity will flow again in due time. Do you have a strategy that works for you? We’re looking for ideas, too 😂

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.

The Creative Bumblebee


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